Guaranteed docking with Capital Bikeshare!

Sound familiar? You finally find the courage to get some exercise done, while knowing you are doing something good for the environment, and yourself of course.

You are riding your bike, full of the joy of spring, looking at the poor commuters queueing to be squeezed like sardines into the tin that we call a metro - wondering: WHY have I never done this before??

You get to your destination and things take a turn for the worse; the dock is full. No worries, it's all good, riding my bike, saving the planet - just find some space at the next dock along.

.. and BAM! It hits you. No, not the bus. All docks are full!  That's why you never biked to work, there was no way of finding an available dock downtown, the closest you could find using Citymapper was a mile away. 

Thanks to Capital Bikeshare's new Corral Service, you won't have to worry any more!

Starting May 14, Capital Bikeshare will offer guaranteed open docks in the morning by having staff on hand to remove bikes when the station docks are full.

Corral Service will be provided weekday from 7am to 11am at two downtown DC locations:

Happy biking!