New cities launched across the US πŸŽ‰ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Our biggest ever country expansion

We've massively increased our coverage of America by building 17 (!) new regions, tripling our number of US cities. Humans and robots worked together over many weeks. This is our biggest number of cities launched at once, ever!


All our new cities - and their mascots aka 'Greenies'

A lot of work goes into getting the details right for every city - right down to designing our famous Greenies.

Take a peek behind the scenes of our Greenie factory πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡


The one-stop-shop for ALL mobility

Public transit. Electric bikes. Scooters. Carsharing. Cabs. All in one place.


Including our NEW turn-by-turn directions for 🚲 + πŸ›΄ +🚢

We've been hard at work building new features - including real-time navigation optimised for walking, cycling and scooting trips.


Powered by the best data, smarts and tooling πŸ€“

We use secret magic (ok our data tools) to transform often messy transit schedules into shiny and reliable routes. Our data quality will make the difference between you seeing a bus drive away or reaching it just in time. Delays, re-routes, best carriages, most convenient station exits, real-time traffic, and cancellations - we've got you covered.


We're expanding 🌎 🌏 🌍

As well as launching across the US we'll soon be expanding our coverage of Europe.

We've got a lot more cities going live before the end of the year.

Watch this space πŸ‘€